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Who is KitchenBASE:

KitchenBASE is a part of CloudKitchens, the world's largest cloud kitchen service provider, offering commercial kitchen infrastructure to food businesses in the 23 wards of Tokyo and the city of Osaka. We provide a low-risk, minimal upfront investment model with significant growth potential, supporting restaurants, food services, food trucks, central processing units/central kitchens, food delivery, and a variety of other food businesses. KitchenBASE offers a perfect opportunity to solve chronic challenges, improve profitability, and expand your business.

Our Purposes:

Redeveloping real estate to rejuvenate communities

Our Vision:

Infrastructure for Better Food

Our Objective:

Innovation at Speed and Scale

Innovation is about making things that have never been made that are valuable to mankind. This means we must find opportunity in the frontiers of the unknown. To find these opportunities, you must seek truth in the unknown. You must see a path that others cannot see. But you cannot follow a path that is imaginary. Innovation is about seeking the path that is real, that is within the realm of what is possible but still a path that is unknown.

The realm of the possible has been expanded throughout history by truth-seekers. Everything we know today was once in the realm of the unknown. Fire, cooking, plumbing, cars, buildings, medicine, computers, you name it. Every inch of progress humanity has experienced is due to a breakthrough in understanding more of what is possible, which is also valuable to mankind.